Scrum project estimating

Scrum project estimating is the first step towards ensuring an effective workflow, and establishing productivity needs, time constraints, project demands and expectations. The most commonly used method in the scrum model is standard function point estimating.

In terms of estimation, when it comes to the scrum model, the general rule is to initially overestimate the predicted cost of the project, to avoid any fund shortcomings in the future. Overestimating is a much safer and easier alternative, unlike understimating. When the actual cost of the project falls far from what was intially presented and predicted, it may create uneccessary issues in terms of project – client interaction and relations In the scrum model, the estimate is only necessary for initial project cost perception because model allows costs to be determined dynamically in response to environmental factors. Although cost is adjustable, it is important to provide a generous estimation, so that the expectations of the basis and scale of the project can be easily forseen and adapted, and a rough, general cost can be derived.

The nature of the Scrum model is what makes it so susceptible to changes in necessary funds. The process is heavily based on individual work, which often provides radical solutions, as opposed to following a given ‚script‘ for dealing with complex projects. Because of this it is difficult to envisage exactly how much projects will change and adapt during the process, and it is difficult to predict any changes that may influence the cost of the concept.

It is commonly known that scrum projects have both velocity and accelaration, due to the way in which work is assigned and how the model operates given these circumstances. This relates to both the functions delivered in the process, and the blacklog items completed. The project goes through several phases, all of which differ in the momentum and work that is accomplished at the time. Initially, during the process in which infrastructure is built and modified, velocity and accelaration remain low. Accelaration tends to increase as base functionality is put into objects, heralding the second phase of the scrum workflow. In the third phase, commonly acceleration decreases, while velocity continues to remain sustainabliy high until the end. Although this model is awaiting the development of advanced metric systems for emprical purposes, it remains an approbated outline of the scrum process.

As it can be seen through the way in which the scrum model works, it is impossible to estimate the project cost based on a fixed number.
There are many variables that will alter the process, and the best solution for this issue is setting the project estimate at approximately twice the current metric. This provides not only freedom to the whole process, but it also ensures work is as efficient as possible, as workers are able to manipulate their ideas and outcomes throughout the project, as opposed to fund availablity manipulating and restricting the way in which the project is carried out and completed.